Sunday, December 20, 2009

Madness 02 Academy, Glasgow

Madness fans want ska yeah? – so despite the amount of fezzes and pork pie hats on display, the crowd didn't seem interested in tonight’s support DJ. It quietened down slightly for 1981 Madness bio-pic Take It Or Leave It on the big screen behind the stage, complete with audio and bad acting. This however was not the way to get the crowd in the mood for the ensuing Madness- or so I thought.

The lights dimmed and from stage left entered a kilted piper complete with sporran, waistcoat and brogues, like a renegade from the Tartan Army, whos jigs and reels had everybody hoochin’ and schoochin’ instantly putting the crowd in a better mood. The band came on to thunderous applause and Chas Smash stepped up to the microphone, straight into the spoken (shouted) introduction to One Step Beyond -and Madness did indeed ensue.

The more recent songs from recent album 'The Liberty Of Norton Folgate’, were very well received (and played), with people dancing and singing; but it was the greatest hits package we were here for and it was those songs that sent everyonr into a frenzy. All the classics were there - Embarrassment, House of Fun, Our House, Bed And Breakfast Man, My Girl, which caused previously untapped levels of energy to be expelled in a heaving sweaty mass. People soon became embroiled in a 'legalised violence’ form of dangerously brilliant dancing. I was punched and kicked and got a painful elbow in the ear; but we gave as good as we got. As Lee Kix Thomson brought his saxophone to his lips for the last time and let out the sound of a foghorn, he signalled not only the start of the fans favourite tune 'Night Boat To Cairo’, but also the perfect end to the show, with levels of violent dancing becoming positively gladiatorial.

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